Holy Crap, I'm pregnant

I have felt a bit uncomfortable this past week. It seems like I was just saying to Mike that it wouldn't be long before that happened. It happened much quicker than I expected! I am already having a hard time bending down to pick things up. We took another picture of my belly and both of us were shocked that I had gotten so much bigger in two weeks. Maybe later I'll post that picture too but right now we are on our way to Hobby Lobby to get organized! Anyway, it's all happening WAY, WAY too fast for me. I wish I could boast of being one of those skinny people that never gained anything. I had a goal of gaining around 26 lbs. It was totally reachable (that means I could gain 11 more lbs in the next 3 1/2 months). But I'm discouraged this week. I always have one month where I gain quite a few lbs and it is usually around the 4-6 month. I think Christmas did me in. I only exercised twice the three weeks Mike was gone. I've done better since he got back but I'm disappointed that it is already getting harder for me. I had visions of walking our three miles with no problems until the day the baby came. Right. Of course I knew that wasn't going to happen but can't a girl hope? Good grief, I still have like four months left. I need exercising and good eating encouragement!


Jillian said…
Adrianne and Mike:
Wow, 3 boys! Congratulations! I'm sorry that the Wilhite's have been MIA for a while. Lots of family stuff happening. We're very happy for you and your little family :) Any trips to Utah planned?
Carolina said…
Look at the bright side: you're more than half-way done! I have a strict rule about weighing myself after Christmas--it is forbidden. Give yourself a few weeks for life to normalize again. Everyone eats a lot during the holidays.

I still haven't weighed myself since Christmas. I suspect I weigh more right now than I did a week after I had Alex. . . . Not a good thought.
Jess and Jason said…
Don't be so hard on yourself. You have to think of it this way: you are housing another life, you are fulfilling your duty to procreate. How awesome is that! I don't think Heavenly Father wants us to stress so much about gaining weight when you are doing something so incredible and so selfless. I think you look beautiful! I know Mike thinks so too, and that is what matters.
Keep up the good work! You are amazing!!
Thanks for the encouragement! I just need to be smart and not think that I can eat what I want just because I'm pregnant.

Jill, how are you? I haven't talked to you forever. How is your boy (Isaac?)?
Zach and Nikki said…
I agree with Carolina- it's totally not fair to judge yourself after Christmas. Who doesn't indulge a little during the holidays? With so much temptation it's hard not to! What's good about it though is that it tends to make us feel guilty enough to redouble our efforts for the new year and really get back on track. (That's what I'm telling myself at this time). I think you look great! I can only imagine what I'll feel like in my third pregnancy.
Rachel said…
I totally feel the same way! I'm glad to hear how you feel because I find comfort in it. I agree with what Carolina said, but I too have some new year's resolutions for getting back into exercising and eating healthy. The good thing about being pregnant is that right now losing weight is not on my current new year's resolution list. I think that's pretty much a first in my life.

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