An assortment of projects
We had playgroup yesterday and met at the church. We let the kids play in the nursery and then we set up tables on the other side of the nursery and made little quiet books. I made two. One is just the creation. I cut out little pictures of the creation and then glued them on a 6x6 piece of cardstock and then covered them with contact paper. The other one was made the same way except I cut out pictures of Gordon B. Hinckley, the temple, Jesus, missionaries, etc. On the back of each page I put the words of the Primary song that went with that picture. I took a picture of it but I'm not sure what happened to it. Anyway, this project was brought to you by my friend Ali Walston. Playgroup is such a fun place for the kids and the adults.
Other projects have included finding storage bins for our extra/craft room. I didn't want anything you could see through but most of those bins are either flimsy or $20. I need about six of them. So I just bought some thick plastic red bins. It looks better but still not as nice as I'd like. I just can't see myself paying $20 for a decorative bin that is going to have odds and ends in it.Finally, I've been working on our Primary bulletin board. I need to get pictures of all the kids and then when we have a spotlight we call one of the kid's parents and ask about a time the child chose the right. We have a little CTR shield that says, "Midwest City 1st Ward children are Choosing the Right." Then we just put their picture up after we spotlight them with a label that says the right choice they made.
I love the idea of Will being able to acknowledge the things he has accomplished that day. It will help him to feel good about being productive. Maybe I need one of those boards with pictures of me exercising, doing laundry, cleaning the floor, etc.
My friend takes all the pictures out of the Friend and puts the in page protectors for the kids to look at during Sacrament meeting. You could also do that with the stories and then keep them in your Primary closet in case you have an emergency and need something to fill time (no one did sharing time, etc...I have had that happen!)