Just an update
Isaac is sick. He has had a cough for a month but it was only at night. Now it is all the time and really gross. I've been giving him Albuteral but it makes him totally hyper and he won't sleep after I give it to him. That is also annoying.
Primary has been giving me headaches! I am in charge of the program and I never had any idea so many details went into the program. Along with that, I had a teacher be totally nasty to me. She then went to the bishop and asked to be released. Mike advised me to call her and talk to her again and see if things could be patched up. I did and she was even more nasty. So now we are stuck covering her class and she has lost a friend. Anyway, there is a lot more involved then I am writing obviously. Now I am stuck having to find names to submit to the bishop and it seems totally pointless because every name I submit is a big fat "No." I am left wondering if I either haven't prayed hard enough for direction or if the bishopric has no faith in my abilities to receive inspiration for the Primary--maybe a little of both.
This post is kind of a bummer but there are some good things that have happened this week. Mike had his promotion ceremony. It isn't a big deal in the Air Force because he only went from 2nd to 1st lieutenant. All that has to happen to get promoted is to be in for two years. Even so, it's a big deal to us. We now get lots more money. Mike is totally excited about that. The ceremony was very official and it was really cool to go and see everyone make a big deal of Mike. His job is very classified so the boys and I had to get special clearances to come in the building. We had to have an escort at all times and any time we went through certain doors everyone would yell, "Uncleared" as we walked by so that the workers would know they had to stop talking about anything work related so I couldn't hear anything. It was very interesting.
Anyway, I can't waste any more time on the computer. I have to get an appointment for Isaac, get some groceries, fold laundry, take the boys for a walk, and work on more Primary stuff.
Good luck with primary and Isaac's cough. Leah used to get coughs that would last a long time until the doctor put her on Singulair for asthma and she has only had a cough for a few days in the last 5 months!
Oh, and Jen-- You can tell Abby that Sarah gets some nasty bedhed too! We call her Medusa around here. Thankfully, she thinks that's funny.
I'm glad Abby likes his hair!
Chels, It was kind of weird to be in there. They wouldn't let us take a camera in for the ceremony but they took pictures for us. He is going on a deployment soon but can't tell anyone where he is going. It's crazy. I think he likes the mystery though.
I think I am going to spend the next week yelling "uncleared" whenever I walk by an open door, just for my own entertainment. It seems cool.
Which teacher was nasty? The one you have had trouble with? I am sorry for you, but maybe it was answer to prayers...Good luck!
Lisa, I'm glad to know that we are not the only ones with a crazy primary. The one area in Primary that everyone is happy about is the music leader. She is awesome.
Sorry about your primary woes. I'm supposed to play the piano for our program and I still make so many mistakes--I need to practice. Good luck on your program.
Do you remember how jittery and funny Ammon was when he was really little after we gave him his Albuterol treatments?
Do you remember all our mouse issues? Ugh.... That's why I love our house. It seems to be mouse proof.