Pictures of our trip
We are home now. The trip went well. Isaac had a hard time but considering that fact that he had to be in the car so long, he did a great job. I used the advice of someone and went to the dollar store and bought little toys and then every few hours brought out a little toy for the boys to play with. That worked pretty well.
We discovered some funny/annoying things about Kansas and Oklahoma. Apparently, people in Kansas don't believe anyone could possibly have kids or if they do have kids they they couldn't possibly think of chaning their children's diapers. There wasn't a singe changing table in any of the restrooms (rest stops, gas stations, or restraunt bathrooms). We also discovered that it was easy for us to know when we entered OK. The billboards suddenly changed: "Have smooth sailing with Jesus" or "Jesus is Lord." The other giveaway that we had gotten back to Oklahoma was that we turned the air off for a second and it immediately got all humid in the car. Anyway, we are home and mostly unpacked.
We took way too many pictures to post so we won't post them all but I will post quite a few so I think I'll just post them over the next few days.