MMSM--Kiddie-ism part 2

Book (or books if he can convince us he needs that 90th book)
A song or two (he likes to request songs like the "Backcacko song" "tractor song" "Abator song" "Isaac song". Translation: "Backhoe song" and "excavator song". These are all made up songs of course because Mike and I don't know any backhoe, excavator, Isaac, or tractor songs)
Finding the "car" and putting it in front of the light so he can reach it
Turning on the fan
Climbing into bed on just the right side
Saying his prayers
Asking us to turn off the "orange light" or the hallway light that looks orange under his door.
If we don't do one of these things he gets really upset and cries himself to sleep or depending on how tired he is, freak out and cry himself to sleep. But if this routine happens, he says, "Goodnight! I yuv you." and goes right to sleep.
Will is almost two and a half and therefore, really into his independence. He has to put ALL his clothes on--shoes, socks, shirt, shorts. He has to buckle his seat belt by himself. Everything is "My turn" when I try and help him and then he pushes my arms out of the way. When he does it he shouts, "I did it!" I'm not sure if I'm a good or bad mom for letting him dress himself. On Saturday we went to the commissary with his shoes on the wrong feet, and his shorts and shirt on backwards.
Will is a very sweet boy. The Nursery leader told me that she could tell he had a sibling because he shares so well. Will likes to kiss everyone's owies no matter where they are. The other day Mike was changing Ikie's diaper and and Mike was putting some ointment on his bottom. Will bent down to kiss his bottom and said, "Baby owie." Thankfully, Mike stopped him.
I went into my room on Sunday and found Will pretending to sleep next to Mike. He said, "I peeping next to daddy." The first thing he does when he wakes up is ask for Mike. When Mike leaves to work after the boys wake up he says, "No work daddy." We went to Walmart to return some broken glasses and the greeter put a pink sticker on the glasses. Will said, "All better. Glasses have pink band-aid. Glasses all better." He also likes to say all day long, "No talk William that way."
Will knows his numbers to 14 and can recognize his ABC's. He also knows all his colors including grey, black, brown, pink, and purple. He knows how to use the computer.
Isaac is a teaser. He likes to make sounds and then look to see if you are smiling. He likes to climb all over Will and steal Will's blanket. He loves balls and loves to be outside. He has a low voice unless he is screaming and then it is rather piercing. He talks a lot less then Will ever did but is much louder than Will was. He likes soft things like stuffed animals and books with fur. He likes to be held and will usually cuddle with me at some point in the day. He is very busy! I'd say he is twice as busy as Will ever was. He loves pretty much all food. He loves to swim and doesn't like me to hold him in the water because he just wants to swim on his own, which of course he can't do yet. He loves to be outside and especially loves the swings. He likes to talk back to dogs when they bark at him. He likes things with strings or plugs because he likes to drag them behind him. I find him quite often dragging my bras around that he got from my underwear drawer. He also like to drag the popcorn popper around by the plug. He gets very angry when I don't let him do something he wants to or when he can't figure out how to do something he wants to. He throws tantrum daily. He likes to play with the air vents at church so all the cold air blows his hair. He laughs alot and cries alot. He picks things up really quickly. I can teach him something once or twice and he will remember how to do it the next time. He is very skinny (I don't think he weighs 18 lbs yet). He is always happy when he wakes up.
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