MMSM-Ten things I can't live without

1. Huggies diapers. I don't recall ever mentioning it on this blog but I am a major diaper snob. I have tried throughout my mommy life to switch to the cheaper diapers. Every time I am reminded that while Huggies are more expensive they are obviously superior to the cheaper brands. I use Huggies because we were given those before Will was born and so continued with that brand. We have used Pampers and like those also.
2. The double stroller we got from a garage sale. My favorite thing to do is go on walks in the mornings with the boys.
3. My New Balance running shoes
4. Eye-liner and mascara. When I don't wear them people ask me if I am feeling ok or if I've been crying because my eye-lashes and brows are really light. I also really like lip-gloss and bronzer.
5. The digital camera.
6. My friends in Oklahoma. I have great friends everywhere but I really needed to have friends in Oklahoma so I would start liking it here. I feel very blessed that friends moved in the ward. I'm not sure what my experience here would've been like without the Hoelzer's, Walston's, Hamblin's, Mandeline's, Choate's, and Loftin's.
7. The internet.
8. My personal monthly money. I could do without this one but I'm very glad I don't have to!
9. My fun, beautiful, smart, kind, boys.
10. The most awesome husband anyone could have.
Huggies diapers have always leaked for us...we hate them! But I am glad to hear that someone uses them...I often wondered how they stayed in business with leaky diapers.
I also have to wear eye liner and mascara or people will ask me if I am sick, it always makes me feel bad!
You do have a wonderful husband, and two amazing boys!
Isn't it sad when people ask if you are sick when you don't have make-up on? I think to myself, "Man, I must look really bad without make-up. I wonder if they say to themselves when I wear make-up, 'She cleans up well.'"
As far as the amazing husband and boys, they are related to you so you must be amazing too!
are you in utah, now, Adrianne? hope you have fun visiting your family.