
I am thankful for my pioneer heritage! As the definition in the dictionary says, a pioneer is "One who goes before to prepare or open up the way for others to follow."


Jess and Jen said…
Nice mustachio on picture #3...I gotta get me one of those. I may steal these photos and save a copy myself, too.
Go ahead. I got them from Mom and dad. Dad sent me a really cool one but my computer wouldn't let me publish it for some reason.

Mike grew a handle-bar mustache once and I was so embarrassed. It was totally redneck. So gross.
Marcy said…
great pictures!
shannon said…
Adrianne -- those are great photos -- do you know who everyone is?

and i do love that mustache. have you read the Moosetache book to your boys?
Shannon, No! What is it? I do know who the pictures are because I just had sharing time about pioneers and used examples of the people in the pictures. I did't write them on my MMSM because I thought it would take too long. I love the pictures.

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