
Today's MMSM is on motivation, more specifically how we motivate our husbands and children. I have thought of this one all day but haven't found a really good answer as far as techniques. I will admit that we are not perfect in this house at divying up assignments but we also don't have a lot of issues with it.
When we first got married we talked about household chores and how that was going to work for us. Mike brought up the idea of thresholds and that the person with the lowest threshold for a dirty house is the one that will end up doing most of the work. It is so true in this house! I am the mom and home most of the time and it is part of my job to clean and I think mainly because I am home and know what needs to be done, I have the lowest threshold and I do the cleaning.
Mike is an organizer and thinks it is fun to spend his Saturdays organizing but doesn't clean very often. I think I could safely say that Mike has never moped our floor in the almost four years of our marriage. He has only cleaned the bathroom a handful of times. He hates doing dishes. There have been times when I go awhile without cleaning certain things (mainly the bathrooms--I hate them!) and then after it is disgusting in my opinion, I clean it. Mike never even realizes that it was dirty! I ask him how the heck he didn't notice that it was dirty and he says, "If it got dirty enough to reach my threshold I would notice it and clean it. Thankfully, you clean it before it gets to that point."
Now, after telling you the things Mike doesn't do, I should list the things he does all the time. He always mows even when I tell him I am happy and willing to do it. He changes diapers when he is home if I am busy. He puts the boys to bed about every other day. He always cleans off the table after dinner and a lot of the time empties out the dishwasher. He likes to cook so a lot of the time he helps in the kitchen. He helps with the laundry on Saturdays and sweeps. He takes the garbage out and makes the bed.
None of these things we sat down and decided we would do. Another thing that Mike told me when we first got married was that if I wait for him to notice and do something it won't get done. He told me that if I want something done I need to just tell him and he would do it immediately. That has also been true through our marrige. Mike is often oblivious to what needs to get done but the minute I ask him to do something he does it. It's annoying and nice at the same time.
There have been times when I have felt overwhelmed by all the things I do in the house. This was a problem especially when Isaac was first born. Someone needed me every minute of the day and I felt I couldn't breathe. So, I talked to Mike about it and he started helping more and we decided that I could have one evening a week that was just for me. We don't do that now because I don't need it. I guess what works for us is just to talk about things.
Mike pointed out that the only time thresholds don't work is when your care or love for someone exceeds your apathy. So if Mike doesn't think the bathroom is dirty, he doesn't care to clean it but because he knows I think it's dirty or because I want it clean, he does it.
I also clean the toilet. Jen does all the grocery shopping. I do most the vacuuming. Jen does 90% of the cooking. Jen does 90% of the sweeping/mopping.
I do all yard work (actually, I pay a kid in our ward $10 to mow my lawn...I don't have time lately). Jen does about 60% of the dishes.
We never discussed who does what. I like to think I'm like Mike that I'd never turn Jen down if she asked me to do something. Never. I will never turn down a diaper changing opportunity. (That sounds gross, but you know what I mean.) I may not always be in tune to know things need to happen, but I'll never turn it down. It's sad, but I know many guys who will.
Jason puts the kids to bed every night. It is his time with them, and it is my time without them. He does all the yard work. He will sweep the kitchen floor. He will load and unload the dishes. He will also do anything that I ask him to do.
There is a family that is in mom and dad's ward. When they got engaged he told her that he would not change diapers. Well, they have three children now and he has never changed a single diaper.
Dad was a great person, and a good father, but he never helped out around the house when we were growing up.
I think that society as a whole has changed for the better!
Thank you to all of the great husbands and fathers out there!
i read a study that said that for men and women living alone, the women still spend twice as much time doing housecleaning as men.