Makes me Smile Monday: Daddy's Day!

There are a few things I have learned from my dad (yes Dad, I do listen). The first thing I learned from my dad was that it is OK to show emotion and let someone know how they feel about you. My dad can rarely get through a powerful or moving poem or movie without crying. He gets teary-eyed when he talks about his kids or his love for my mom. I often have a hard time crying in front of people because I feel it shows my weakness. Mike is always saying, "It's ok to cry." It is! I'm grateful that my dad isn't afraid to show his emotions.
I learned from my dad the importance of the Gospel. I remember going into his room at night and catching him praying or reading his scriptures. My dad has a very strong testimony and isn't afraid to share it with us.
My dad has had a lot of unfortunate health problems in his life. When I feel the Lord is giving me too many trials or too hard a trial I find myself thinking it isn't fair or something along those lines. While my dad may think some of his trials are too much to bear or unfair, I have never heard him voice that opinion to me. I have heard him talk about his faith in God though. It has been such a great example to me of showing faith in the Lord.
Finally, a memory. I remember when we lived in Indiana on the pig farm. Dad had to do the daily chores in the barn. He had to still feed the pigs on Sundays. I remember thinking it was so awesome that he would let us come with him to do his chores. We had to wear big black rubber boots and step in some cleaning solution. We watched little baby pigs being born and other gross but interesting things. We would come back to the office and take turns showering to get the smell off of us and then dad would give us caramels.
Happy Father's Day Dad.
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Yes, things are tough sometimes, and I do have times that I wonder why things happen the way they do. I know this for sure, however. I never have my Father in Heaven to blame. It is me, or occasionally the actions of others, almost always not melicious; or sometimes it is a loving Heavenly Father teaching me in about the only way I will learn. Can one ever begrudge a good lesson, even hardly taught?
I know this, too. I love Mike and Adrianne and their kids. You have been so nice and from so far away. Love seems to be able to travel at least the speed of light (and then some, Mr. Einstein) and it burns bright over long distances.
I have many directions for my love to go and it does seek lots of differet spaces. But I know that it will always find an understanding heart at your place.
Dad Clark