Makes-Me-Smile Monday: Mother

My friend Shannon started a blog carnival. If you are wondering what it is or want to be a part of it, check out her blog. Anyway, the topic for this Monday is mother's. So, both Mike and I are going to share stories of our mothers.
The first memory I want to share probably happened when I was around 10 or 11. I had some kind of paper route for as long as I can remember. Well no, not that long but I had one for a long time. One of the times I had a route I shared it with my brother Jess. We would wake up around 6:00 to fold the papers and then go and deliver them. My mom was one of those rare moms that woke up early and made us all breakfast every morning. We usually were awake before her and already out the door but by the time we got home breakfast was made and ready. Some mornings though, we would come down the stairs to fold our papers and find that someone had already done it for us! My sweet, thoughtful mom had gotten up (probably around 5:30) and folded our papers and then gone back to bed before we came downstairs.
The next memory I have is when we lived in Sacramento. I was around 9 years old and my sisters and I had all gotten sick. We shared a room and were all sick laying in our beds when my mom opened the door with the most delicious surprise ever! She had gone to Dunkin Donuts and gotten us the biggest, yummiest, chocolate filled, chocolate frosted, chocolate sprinkled donut. mmmmm. She told us not to tell the boys because it was just our secret. I think it took me days to eat the donut because I didn't want to eat it too fast. I remember my sisters and I hiding our donuts under the bed so no one could find them. What a great mom to buy us such fun treats when we were sick. I have never forgotten it. --Adrianne
I used to pretend like I was sick all the time. My mom never made me go to school. Sometimes when I was "sick," Mom needed to go grocery shopping, or meet Dad for lunch, or go clean rich people's houses. She always took me with her and I really enjoyed it. When we'd go grocery shopping, she'd give me a coupon and say, "Go find two of these cereals that you like," and she'd always get me a sprite if my stomach "hurt." She would also get me one of those fruit-filled pies that were $.10.
If I were "sick" enough, she'd always take me to the doctor. Since we were a walk in appointment, we always had to wait a while. I got to watch all the creepy old people go in and out of the big doors when the nurses read their names. We'd get to go in the big doors and the doctor would jab my throat with a really long q-tip. Then we'd wait hours for the pharmacist to give me my medecine--thick pink bubble-gum flavored liquid...mmmm.
I'm sure it was always an inconvienience for my mom when I was "sick," but she never made me feel like she was resentful, and I have always loved her for it. --Mike
i like the pretend being sick -- Avery is "sick" a lot too, until i tell her that she can stay home and help me clean the house. usually she does about 2-3 little chores in the morning before deciding she'd rather go to school.
Adrianne--love the donut story (of course), but your other story makes me realize i have a long way to go on being self-less. :)
I'm pretty sure Shannon's MMSM will only have a particular topic once a month--all the other Mondays we will write about whatever we want that makes us smile.