One thing I remember about the 80's is that my sisters and I made these really cool splatter shirts. My grandma had some contraption of some sort where you could put the shirt in and it would spin around. We would take a shirt, dump glitter paints on it and then put it in the machine and when it came out we had this cool shirt with paint splatters. I used to hairspray my hair straight up with probably a bottle of hairspray. I also remember my brother Adam had some MC Hammer pants that were tiger prints and he would wear them to dances and do his break dancing. Everyone thought that was cool. My husband remembers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (movies, games, cartoon).
To check out other 80's memories, you can check out this
your mural is looking awesome, by the way. i've got a wall and some paints here at my house, calling your name...