My sons are geniuses!

One of the rights of motherhood is to be able to brag about your children. This post is one of those bragging posts. Today I had to take Will to this developmental screening on base. I wasn't worried about him being behind but it was totally free so I thought, "Why not take him in and see if there is something I should be teaching him that I'm not. " Well, turns out, he's not just normal, he's a genius. Well, that's what I think, anyway. They tested him in fine motor, gross motor, social, language, and problem solving. Everything but one area was way above normal. He scored the highest in language. In fact, they said, "His language skills are exceptional." Mike and I had to laugh about that (and I'm sure anyone that has talked to him on the phone would laugh too) because we can't understand half of what he says. They were very impressed that he could say, "Where the doggy go?" The one area he was only slightly above average was his problem solving skills. They put blocks in front of him and tried to get him to line them up but he kept saying "no" and then would just stack them. They said he had a wonderful attention span for his age, which also made me laugh because I thought, "Man, if his attention span is good, what are other kids like?" In gross motor they kept trying to get him to kick this little tiny ball and he would say, "No kick." Then he would point to the lady and say, "More," because he wanted her to kick it. He just wanted to throw it. This funny thing happened though, we got into the car and he kept asking for the ball. I kept telling him that we had balls at home and we could play with it when we got home. He just kept pointing to my bag and saying, "ball." Turns out he's a thief!! I got home and found the ball in my bag. I had to call the place and tell that that we had their ball and would bring it back tomorrow. What a weasle.

On to bragging about Isaac....

Isaac started scooting last week. So fun! The real thing I wanted to brag about with Isaac is that he can totally get the spoon into his mouth on his own. Maybe that isn't too cool but it is to me. It seemed like it took Will forever to do that. I took a picture but it isn't downloaded so maybe later I'll post it.

I guess Mike passed on good genes to my boys.... I must be smart to have tricked him into marrying me!


Jess and Jason said…
Your boys are so smart! I think the smartest part was stealing the ball!
Elder Richey said…
I remember when Will was first born and he didn't like to sleep. It was like he didn't want to miss anything and he was just watching and taking it all in. I thought, "This kid is going to be a genius." I'm not kidding. And look, it's come true!

I also especially liked the ball thievery story :) he he he
Jessie, can you believe he stole the ball? So embarrassing...

Katie, I always thought he was crazy for not sleeping! Isaac is falling in his footsteps.
Papa Doc said…
Isn't it fun to see the growth and development of your kids?! I always figured your kids would be smart -- they have smart parents.
I can't believe Will took the ball without anyone even seeing that he did it. That must prove not only that he's a thief, but a smart thief to boot. (My comments have not saved on your blog at all for over a week so we'll see if this one saves.)

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