If the price is right...

The following is a conversation we had last night (names are changed). We have never pretended to be nice...

Adrianne: Wait, where would you rate us on the cuteness scale then?

Mike: Well, I think the Wilson's aren't the cutest separately but together are the cutest couple. Then the Mays, and the Hill's. I think we're next with the Hooper's close behind. Then I'd say the Condie's and the Nell's. Finally, the Week's.

Adrianne: What?! We are like fourth! That's terrible. I bet we could move up one space on the list if I did my hair more often and had nicer clothes.

Mike: I could do my hair too.

Adrianne: If I lost weight, we'd move up too. I always look frumpy because clothes cost too much.

Mike: I'll give you $1,000 to buy new clothes if you weigh 135 again.

Adrianne: That's not fair...I'll never be that again. At our rate, I'll be pregnant before I have a chance to be that skinny again.

Mike: If you are making progress towards that, we'll wait.

Adrianne: You've got a deal man, although, it might take forever! I win in this situation: $1,000, a skinny body, and not being pregnant for awhile.

Adrianne: We sound like such jerks.

Mike: That's not just the way we sound. We are jerks.

Now that we have written the post we realize just how shallow we truly are and are hesitant to publish it...Whatever, it's not like we were on top of the list.


Pitcher Family said…
You guys are hilarious!! I love it! I just have to say that if I ever had that offer of $1000 for new clothes, there would be some serious dieting and exercise going on... Now that you have shared it with all of us, we will back you up when the time comes, just in case Mike changes his mind or forgets...
Tonight we went for a walk and Mike started saying, "Um, we should make a goal of Aug. and then for every month after you don't reach the goal you lose $100." I don't think so. He's stuck now. I think he's getting worried.
I completely agree that you guys are hilarious! I am here laughing as I read your blog! Good luck Adrianne!! It's hard work, but sooo worth it. You will not only get the money, but feel so much better about yourself too!
Jess and Jason said…
Um...how can I get in on this deal...Maybe that would inspire me to lose the last 20pounds!!
Hey, whatever works.
It is kind of like your own biggest loser.
Anonymous said…
Adrianne & Mike,
Too often we allow the media (the world/Satan) to influence our judgment. Having babies is NOT the easiest way to boost a woman's self confidence, but it is necessary to bring spirit children to earth. Women sacrifice an incredible amount (more than most men and women realize) to fulfill God's plan. A woman's body changes after giving birth, and it cannot be restored fully until she is resurrected. Therefore, be kind to yourself and your wife. You look great Adrianne! You are the beautiful mother of two precious boys! What a grand achievement! Mike should spend $1000.00 on new clothes for you because he loves you and not because of how much you weigh. You deserve new clothes because you married him, gave birth to two of his sons, and because you NEED some.
Mike said…
Wow. I think the person that wrote that comment must not know me and Adrianne very well... and, they must also realize that what they said was not appropriate for this forum--why else would they have left their comment anonymous?

Let me go ahead a clarify something: I have never said anything indicating to Adrianne that I think she needs to lose weight. I have offered to buy her clothes, but she has said that she wants to lose weight first (why buy new clothes that won't fit for very long?). She has been working very hard to lose weight, and I thought this would be a nice incentive and a fun reward for her when she reaches her goal. Maybe it's not appropriate to reward people for accomplishing "worldly" goals, but I've never seen a problem with it.

chelsey said…
I hve to agree with you Mike and Adrianne! Brent and I had a very similar conversation around xmas time. Only , my offer wasn't $1,000! I totally understand Adrianne's view of wanting to wait until the weight comes off to buy new clothes, and I don't think Mike is pushing her to do something she doesn't want to already do. Brent said that the idea of new clothes might be a good motivator -- and it has been. I know, just as Adrianne does, that my husband loves me for me and doesn't care that I want to lose weight. He doesn't value me only if I'm thin -- and for that I'm grateful. Losing weight is simply HARD and a great motivator for doing it and sticking to it is knowing that there's a tangible reward that she will enjoy.
Oh -- and you're not shallow. We all wonder where we are on that scale once and a while. Especially after kids and college are over and life just seems to take over. It scares me when I meet some new couple in our ward that I think is really nice and them I realize they graduated high school in 2000. Not that that's bad-- it just suddenly makes me feel old. Staying young and cute are important - even it's just for you.
Jess and Jen said…
I wonder if we're bigger jerks because we're sure we're the cutest couple in the whole ward!

I will place all blame on being cute on my wife. I'm just the lucky guy attached to her hip.
Elder Richey said…
When you guys were talking about cute couples were you talking about us? Come on, you can admit it. I'm going to tell Tim about your little wager and see if he'll up the ante from the current $20 to Mike's deal. Nice. I think you should attach a nice clause that says, "And my shopping spree will take place at the Park City outlets which will allow me to see family and purchase twice as much!"

You go girl!
Well, I don't know Jess...even though you are my brother I still think you are hot! Just think how lucky you are that there is no way you will ever have to make some deal with Jen. You might have to make a deal with her to gain some weight. Some people have all the luck.

Katie, you and Tim weren't included in our list (just Oklahoman's). If you were, you would for sure be on the top!! I wondered where the money was coming from..."where have you been hiding money?" but then remembered that we just got our tax return.

Hey, we are going home this summer, are you going to be there?
Kaitlin Lanham said…
Hey Adrianne, haha I told u that some people would think its funny, I sure did. haha... I will still take the blame if anyone begs to differ.. haha love you!

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