Things to keep us busy

We have all been locked up in the house for close to a week because of the ice storm and Isaac's RSV. So, we have all found things to keep us busy. Will has been enjoying this website: He has been walking around the house saying new words he has learned on the site. He is also finding great joy in the stickers he got in his stocking. Isaac has discovered the joy of bouncing in his bouncer roo thing (whatever they are called). Mike has been working on wood projects for our house and I have been reading and doing some art. Here are pictures of our projects.


Jess and Jason said…
Adrianne, you drew that? That is incredible!
chelsey said…
It's great to see you picking up art again. It's been a little while it seems. It looks great. Keep it up. You should do a zoo mural in the boys room or something!
Thanks Jess and Chelsey. It is a very rough sketch. I haven't done a lot of art for awhile because the time it takes to get everything out and then put it away before Will gets it, is really just too much. I have felt that it is something I need to do again because it is such a great outlet for me. I don't have any canvases right now though so I have been using my pastels and they don't work so well for this. Anyway, thanks for the encouragement.

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