Treats for friends

Mike said he wanted to make treats with Will to take to people in the ward. So he and Will made rice krispy treats. Just as a side's always fun when your kid starts to pick their own clothes out. Will wanted to wear his swimming suit.


Pitcher Family said…
Hey, you may want to edit the heading to this post.... I love it when the kids pick out their own clothes, so colorful!
Thanks for pointing that out Mandy. I had a good laugh about the mistake. He...he..
Elder Richey said…
I love his little outfit. Very retro chic!
What did the first heading say???
Jess and Jen said…
My guess is "Teats for friends"...

Am I right, Adrianne?
Yes, you are right. Whoops. Glad I caught it or rather, glad Mandy caught it. That would have been embarrassing. ;)

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