Potty in bed

I have a very particular boy. Mike teases that he has OCD but I believe he is just like his dad and therefore, very particular. A few good examples: his zipper on his coat must be zipped up before we go out the door; he doesn't like any sand, dirt or grass on his feet; he doesn't like his hands to be sticky and he can't stand a runny nose. Routines are also very important to him. Anyway, with that said, I will tell you a little story that happened today and as you listen, remember how particular Will is and then imagine how he must have felt. It's actually pretty funny.

So Will used to despise naptime and bedtime. He would cry for hours if I let him and truthfully, while some mothers will think I am a rotten mother for this, I have let him cry in bed for hours. As time has gone on, he has gotten to the point where he likes naptime and bedtime and will basically jump out of our arms to get to bed. It has been a very nice change from his previous hatred of his bed (now I hope that Isaac could only take some naptime lessons from his big brother). Well, today I put him to bed and he played in bed for awhile and then after an hour he was still awake and had started to cry. I thought, "I'll let him cry for a little while and he will go to sleep." Well, he continued to cry so I went in to check on him and noticed he was pointing at something on the ground. I went to lay him down and noticed that his little bottom was naked! He was pointing at his diaper laying on the ground next to his pants. I turned on the light and then noticed that his pillow had been peed on along with his favorite blanket. Oh my, quite the issue for our little boy. I sent him to the potty and then changed his pillow for a different, clean one, put a new diaper on him along with his pants and put him back in his bed. This experience has shaken him up however and there is now a very distraught baby on our hands in his bed.

Oh the issues.


Pitcher Family said…
I would cry, too, if there was potty in my bed!!! Poor guy!
Jess and Jason said…
That is so sad! For a while we had to duct tape Layla's diapers on, no exageration. She would take them off and wet. But she wouldn't wake up. She would just sleep in pee!
Papa Doc said…
Poor boy! Well, maybe he will learn not to take his diaper off! There are scary things in diapers. :) I learned as a mom not to stick my finger in a diaper to see if it was wet -- it was usually more than wet.
Hope you have a wonderful time in Maryland. We will miss you, but it's the Richard's turn to have your boys and family for Christmas!! We love you all.
Anonymous said…
We had a similar experience with Leah. She'd been sick but really cranky so Jen put her down for her mid-day nap. Like you, we let our kids cry themselves to sleep if they don't immediately fall asleep. After a while, however, Jen decided to go check on her and realized she'd barfed in her crib and was basically sitting in it.

Jen felt pretty horrible and that she was a bad mother, but hey, who'd have thought she'd barf on herself? We just thought she didn't want to go to sleep!

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