Halloween Party!

We had a Halloween party last night with all the young couples in the ward and their children. Our house is way too small for something like that and there were so many kids running around but we had a lot of fun. We had dry-ice, a black light room, pumpkin carving, kids in costumes, tons of food, lots of decorations, and good company. We are glad we did it.
Don't you feed Mike anything? You need to get some meat on those bones!
And, Holy Computer Screen, batman! You must have a 24" sitting behind Mike's head in one of those pictures. Am I seeing that right?
Jess, Yes, you are seeing right. Mike wanted to have a big computer screen so he bought a gigantic TV and hooked the computer up to it. So, we just flip from TV to computer. We only get three fuzzy channels so it seems silly to me but it is kind of cool. Mike used his tax return to buy it. I bought the eliptial machine...our two big purchases of our married life so far (unless you count the house of course).