Our second week with two boys

It is almost time for Mike to go back to work. He is sad to go back, but I think I am more sad. He has enjoyed sleeping in and playing with us. I am really nervous about being left alone with the boys. So far I have only had three and a half hours by myself with the two boys (Mike went to Sacrament and to Young Men's this week). Things went ok. My concern is that I am not a very patient mother when I am tired. Mike has helped so much and I feel very spoiled. My first day without Mike I have to take the boys to the doctor...that should be fun....So far everything is different than with Will. Isaac actually sleeps! He eats and then looks around for a little bit then goes right back to sleep. It is amazing. He is pretty gassy though. Anyway, things are going well. Will is feeling better and I am feeling pretty good too.


Jess and Jen said…
I look at your pictures and I can't believe we're going to be in the same spot next March. Sometimes it sounds fun; sometime it sounds very tiring. Keep up the good work.
Mike and Adrianne said…
How far will they be? Are they going to be 18 months apart? So far things have gone very well. Mike called on Monday from work to ask how things were going and he was surprised I wasn't in tears. Things are surprisingly good. I am very tired but that is to be expected. I almost think things are as good as they are because they are so close and Will didn't have time to get jealous. He loves Isaac! It is good that he is walking and becoming more independent or it would be awful. Of course, I am sure there will be many hard days to come....

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