Way Back Whensday

One of the radios stations here does something called "Way back Wednesday." Mike and I were talking about how it seems we've been gone from Utah and in Oklahoma forever. So we decided to post our own Way back Whensday.
It has been almost a year and a month since we moved from Utah. On July 2nd Will and I said goodbye to my family and to Mike on the same day. It was a very sad day! Mike drove on to Alabama, where he wrecked our car of only a few months on his first day at OTS. Will started rolling over the next morning so Mike missed it. Will and I stayed in Maryland until the end of September. I was still skinny at that time with pregnancy very far from my mind! Will was still fighting reflux issues but had stopped crying six hours a night and was now only crying during feedings. He was just starting to take naps (thank heavens for my mother-in-law who would make me leave the house while he cried himself to sleep). Meanwhile, Mike was in Alabama depressed and hating life. It was a sad summer for us all but there were a lot of good things that came out of it. I became more confident in my abilities to be a mom because I had to figure it all out without Mike. Will got an opportunity to be with his grandparents and cousins. Mike became an officer in the Air Force (he graduated top of his class!). We both really miss our families and Utah. I have been back to Utah a few times since last year and it is always very sad for me. I see the mountains and think, "I'm home!" and then I realize it isn't my home anymore and I don't really have a place there anymore. I'm now just a visitor. Very sad. Here are pictures of Way Back Whensday.