Baby woes

I haven't posted anything yet this week because I have worried that anything I write would be depressing. I have decided, however....heck with it!

The last few weeks have been miserable and it doesn't seem to be getting much better. I have been having contractions each day (apparently with your second, you feel them earlier and more intense) and then of course they stop. This is good because I can't safely have the baby for about three more weeks. But it isn't any fun. With contractions come anxiety for me. I just worry about everything and as soon as they stop I am normal again. It's so annoying. Will is still so little and wants to be held and that makes it difficult for me. He has been waking up early (6:20) and always wants to be outside, even though it is consistantly in the high 90's. Mike said today with the heat index it is supposed to be 110. It is miserable. Of course, as is normal, I'm not sleeping well. The baby is sitting on the nerves to my legs or something. I wake up with these awful cramps in my hips and I only feel better if I stand up. Sometimes I try to poke him out of the way and then I feel some relief. While nothing I am going through is any different than any other pregnant lady, it is no fun. Anyway, it is almost over! I just have to be patient a few more weeks.


Elder Richey said…
You go girl!! Just know that we're thinking of you. You are incredible.
Mike and Adrianne said…
Thanks Katie! Even though everyone goes through this, it is still nice to know someone feels bad for you! ;)

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