The Man's Domain

We thought we should include a picutre of Mike's favorite spot in the house--the garage. He has made his own workshop and spends whatever time he can in the garage making and fixing things. This weekend we finally attached the legs to the cradle we made for Will. Now we just need to stain them for when Isaac comes along. I'm really proud of Mike for being able to do the stuff he does with all his tools and wood. He had never done anything like it before but has bought some DVD's on woodworking and table saws, etc. to teach him how and he has practiced on little projects. I am excited to see all the things he will make us in the future.
Given a little time and some more investment you will be right up there with the best. Keep learning and check around with people in the area that do such stuff. You will see some good things, and perhaps some fun ways of doing things.
Dad Clark
Dad, I have already met a few people that know how to do stuff and they have given me some good advice. Next thing I need is wood.