I'm grateful for...

This has been a very busy week for me (and Mike). Mike had to work some 13 hour graveyard shifts this week for some "war training" stuff. It has some fancy name but I can't remember. Basically, someone comes and beats up a plane and then comes and tells Mike they can't fix it. He has to evaluate the plane and make a repair by mathimatically deciding how thick the metal needs to be to fix it and stuff like that. During all this they have drills where they fake shooting, and chemical bombing and stuff. Mike has to assist people that have been "shot" and put on this chemical mask and suit when certain sirens go off. So for hours at a time he has layers of clothing on with a mask on and does math. Sounds fun...he chose the night shift so it wouldn't be so hot (it's been in the mid 90's for over a week) but it was a pretty hot and tiring experience for him. While he sleeps in the day, I try and keep Will quiet--which is a joke. Our house has a long way to go before it is clean and organized but we are making progress. The apartment still has to be completely cleaned though. So, with Mike out of commission for a few days and me trying to unpack and take care of Will, it has been a crazy week. Mike has tomorrow off so he will be able to help me and we can hopefully get stuff done before his parents come on Wed. With all this said, I was thinking about all the things I'm thankful for this week:

The kindest husband in the world
A happy baby
A healthy body that allows me to be pregnant and still do all the busy things it needs to this week
Organizing when there are appropriate organizing supplies
The internet and a working phone
A baby who likes to hide things in weird places--such a fun game to be surprised!
Time with Mike
Finding a new store where I can get cheap baby clothes and shoes

There are more but this is already a very long post and I have to finish the bathtub srubbing....


Papa Doc said…
Here I go again. This is the second time commenting, but the first time it would not work.

I just finished talking with Mike on Messenger. I told him that as a parent what she said makes me very happy. Little is better that a happy wife because here husband is a great guy. That comes first and the whole world follows after.

Thank you both.

Dad Clark

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