One year and counting

So we just got back from Will's 12 month check-up (which took 2 hours!!) and this is the dirt on Will: He is now 19 1/2 lbs. So little. He is also now 30 inches. I don't know where he falls in the statistic for babies but my guess is he is still in the 5-10th percentile for weight and probably about 50th for height. He gained two pounds though so we know he is still growing. After talking to the doctor about the hassle it is to get Will to eat, she suggested a book I find on line called How To Get Your Kid to Eat by Ellyn Satler. She said it was a great book. I brought a list of all the stuff he ate yesterday and while it was only a little bit, I am pretty good at giving him healthy and balanced meals so she said she wasn't too worried. She did give me pediasure and he seems to like that so far. He still only has two teeth and there it doesn't seem like any are coming soon. Will is also walking now. He has been working on it for over a month and he is now a great little walker! Will loves to climb things. He climbs up the couch and tries to climb over the top to the other side so we have to watch him very carefully. He is still experimenting with words too. He says "keys" for plane (I don't know where he got it from but he says it everytime he sees a plane) and "bad" for bird. It is so fun to watch him immitate stuff and learn stuff. It's been a good year with Will.