It's a boy!

We have good and bad news. The good news is that we are having a boy so Will is going to have a little friend. Also, this means that I won't always be sick with boys! Yea!!! I was worried if I had a girl I would be sick with my boys and not my girls. The bad news is that the doctor felt my uterus and said I was four weeks further along than I thought--I was so excited. Then at the ultrasound they said that my uterus was measuring big, or rather, that my uterus was very stretched out. So, while my uterus is huge aparently, the baby is normal size and has lot's of room to move without being cramped. That makes me look much more pregnant than I am, and only puts me one week futher than I thought. So, I will be 20 weeks tomorrow instead of 24. Very sad. Oh well, the baby looks healthy and good. Yeah for little boys!