House buying

The news of this week is that we are buying a home! We are very excited but also very nervous. We were originally hoping to go to Ohio so Mike could go to AFIT (the Air Force Technology graduate school) but he found out he didn't have two classes he needed for the program he wanted. He is going to take those two classes at OU and apply next year. So, we will be here for another 2 1/2 years and decided we wanted to buy a house. We are going to look at houses tonight. The other news is that I went to the doctor and he said I am still measuring a month early so I need to go get a level 2 ultra sound and make sure it isn't anything like Spina Bifida causing extra amiotic fluid or any other problem. Most likely my uterus didn't fully contract after Will and therefore, it is just stretched out a lot. Either way, it will be nice to make sure everything is fine. I really hate knowing that I look like I'm so far along and get no benefit from it! Will is doing well. It has been in the 90's this week so we have spent a lot of time inside and playing in his little pool. He really loves his pool but he also thinks it is just as much fun to throw dirt in it as it is to actually swim.