Cheese Making Continued

Here is a picture of my first brown cheese ever. You might wonder why I only have a small fork of it. Let me explain. You'll recall the process for making brown cheese involves "boiling the crud" out of it. Well, the book says that process can take anywhere from 6-12 hours. Much to my amazement, however, after coming home from an hour long trip to Walmart and finding the house full of smoke and both the upstairs and downstairs fire alarms beeping, the brown cheese boiled down to charcol in less than 2 hours! After pulling both smoke detectors from the wall and putting them under some blankets (because I couldn't get them to stop beeping), I wrote down in my log, which is supposed to help me in future cheese-making, that brown cheese can be made much faster than the time frame the book gave. I was pretty disappointed until I noticed that a little more whey had dripped from my hanging bag of feta and collected in the bowl below it. I decided to make brown cheese out of that. The whole process took about 10 minutes. I must admit, it wasn't the best tasting brown cheese I've ever eaten. I'm glad I could share this experience with you all. Any guess on how long our house will smell like smoke?