Traveling, teeth and walking, pregnant!

It has been awhile since we've posted anything. There is so much that has happened the last few months though! Mike is at another training in Alabama. He has been gone six weeks and will get back tomorrow! Yippee!! He was gone for his birthday so we all celebrated it without him. We got his favorite pizza and a cake and then called him and sang happy birthday and blew out his candles. In three weeks he has another trianing in Ohio and Will and I will go with him. Mike has been gone for almost five months of this year and we are really tired of being away from each other. Will and I went to Utah again to stay with my brother and sister-in-law and my two cute nieces. We loved being there with them. It was so nice of them to open their house to us. Will is especially sad not to have his cousins to play with anymore. He just followed Abby around everywhere she went. In other Will news, he finally got his first two teeth! We got to Utah and his cousin Leah was getting a tooth and the next day Will had one too--at 10 and a half months. Will has also begun to take steps by himself. I can't say he is walking really, but he has taken as many as five steps by himself! It is so exciting. Finally, I am three months pregnant and I am loving it so far. It is an entirely different experience for me this time. Some times I forget I'm pregnant because I feel so good. It is such a relief and blessing. We were worried I would be sick again so we took off to Utah so I could have some help and thankfully, our trip turned into a vacation instead!